Tuesday, June 24, 2014

11 WILDLY Inappropriate Nintendo Ads From The 1990s

    There’s a reason why today’s Nintendo advertisements are more reasonably tame than the ones in the 90′s. In the glory days of the NESSNES, and earlier Game Boy products, advertisements needed extraordinary copy and visuals to wow their consumers in buying their latest game or console.
    Some of Nintendo’s earlier advertisements were wildly inappropriate or just plain wrong.

    1. Game Boy Original — 1989-1990

    (Source: memearcade.com)
    (Source: memearcade.com)
    It’s ridiculous enough to stuff a ferret down your trousers, but to have the ferret be in that position? Just plain weird.

    2. Game Boy Color — 1998

    (Source: memoryglands.com)
    (Source: memoryglands.com)
    If this advertisement isn’t discriminatory, we sure as hell don’t know what is!

    3. Super Nintendo Entertainment System — 1991

    (Source: Flickr/ JonnyCampbell)
    (Source: Flickr/ JonnyCampbell)
    This Nintendo advertisement encourages you to ‘play all your favorite American and Japanese games.’

    4. Game Boy Pocket — 1996

    (Source: Reddit/ deltaone211)
    (Source: Reddit/ deltaone211)
    Nintendo should have narrowed down the context for this one. A woman wearing lingerie with her hands tied to the bedposts? Really?!? We’re pretty disappointed just like the expression on her face.

    5. ‘Low G Man’ for Nintendo Entertainment System — 1990

    (Source: ign.com)
    (Source: ign.com)
    It seems as if Nintendo supports criminal behaviour with this advertisement. Running and jumping while stabbing and looting? Let’s not forget Nintendo’s official golden seal of quality!

    6. ‘The Untouchables’ for Nintendo Entertainment System — 1990

    (Source: gamesetwatch.com)
    (Source: gamesetwatch.com)
    In other words, you’re just asking us to be killed. Thanks Nintendo.

    7. Game Boy Color Naki Rechargeable Battery Pack — 1998

    (Source: Blogspot/ gameboyoriginal)
    For a gaming explosion, NUKE your Game boy.

    8. Game Boy Pocket — 1996

    (Source: Blogspot/ gameboyoriginal)
    (Source: Blogspot/ gameboyoriginal)
    The key phrase here is: ‘or anywhere else you want.’

    9. ‘Flipull’ for Game Boy Original — 1990

    (Source: Blogspot/ gameboyoriginal)
    (Source: Blogspot/ gameboyoriginal)
    Clearly, the writers of the advertisement have THEIR brains upside down.

    10. Game Boy Pocket — 1996

    It’s a Game Boy Color! Not some sugary candy that will stain your tongue — rather, you’ve stained your precious eyes from seeing this freaky advertisement.

    11. Virtual Boy by Nintendo — 1995

    (Source: 8-bitcentral.com)
    Does ‘Virtual Boy ‘ sound familiar? Probably not and this advertisement may be one of the reasons why.
    Source URL: https://dailytechrecipes.blogspot.com/2014/06/11-wildly-inappropriate-nintendo-ads.html
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